Still Life ~ Three

I have so much to learn in Still Life Photography. My challenge for this assignment was space. I need to find a small mobile table to move around my house to find just the right light and it needs to be big enough to give me room to move the props around so I can achieve a better depth of field and better point of view. 

I am learning more and more about Lightroom 5 which is huge benefit for me for these classes as well as working on other images.


  1. I have a small nightstand that works really well.

    1. I have been looking in antique stores for something really small and affordable...I'm still looking! :o)

  2. Lovely image, love the colours and tones. Happy weekend. :)

  3. Suzette, this is just awesome, love the little pops of color

  4. As a fabric-aholic...just love these fabrics. Awesome still shot!


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